What activities should 4th-year students undertake on placement?
At the end of the 4th-year placement, it is intended that students will be able to demonstrate a required level of competency in the relevant behaviours in the PSI’s Core Competency Framework aligned to the three domains listed below:
- Professional Practice
- Personal Skills
- Organisation and Management Skills
On Wednesdays, students will undertake academic online modules based on the same competencies; these will be assessed by the Schools of Pharmacy.
During the placement, you should facilitate your student to undertake activities that will support them to develop competency in the relevant behaviours from these three domains. A training plan will enable you and your student to plan a sufficient range of activities. You can find an induction and training plan in the Resources section.
Examples of activities that your student can complete can be found in the Guidance on Delivering APPEL Experiential Learning Placements.
If you are having difficulty identifying opportunities for your student(s) to develop certain competencies, please contact APPEL and we will arrange for a Practice Educator to assist you.