Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

APPEL’s EDI Statement

APPEL as a consortium of the School of Pharmacy in UCC, RCSI School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, and the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in TCD, is committed to promoting the values of equality, embracing diversity and inclusivity throughout our organisation and to bringing awareness of EDI when collaborating with our stakeholders.

Our team will be valued and treated fairly regardless of age, civil status, family status, disability, gender, membership of the Traveller community, race, religion, sexual orientation.

We believe all stakeholders with whom we engage can, and should, rely on APPEL to treat them in a respectful, dignified manner, free from discrimination.


What is EDI?

Equality is about dignity and respect. It is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents, and believing that no one should have poorer life chances because of where, what or whom they were born, what they believe, or whether they have a disability. Equality is not always about treating everyone the same – it is about treating people in such a way that the outcome for each person can be the same. This means putting things in place to support people to achieve similar outcomes.

Diversity is about differences, seen and unseen.

Inclusion is about creating an environment where people are valued, feel valued and are able to achieve and contribute to their full potential. An inclusive environment improves interaction with staff, students and our wider community.


Why is EDI important?

We, students & trainers, are diverse

• Diversity of nationalities, ethnicity, social, cultural, religious, non-religious, spiritual and members of the Traveller community backgrounds.

• Diversity of age, family status, marital status, socio-economic status, gender, sexual orientation.

• Diversity of characteristics, abilities, disabilities, intellectual, emotional, physical needs.


• Has an EDI statement & integrates it into daily operations.

• EDI signposting is offered to trainers and students.

The three Higher Education Institutions

• Have EDI committees in their schools to enhance EDI in Higher Education



For Students:

UCC Supports

RCSI Supports

TCD Supports

For Trainers & Training Establishments:
