
The New 5-year Integrated Pharmacy Programme

Students commencing their studies after 2015 undertake an integrated programme, experiencing patient-facing situations and real-life pharmacy practice at several stages before attaining their qualification.

For more information on experiential learning please click here.

When are the Practice placements?

Year 2: A two-week block placement in UCC and Trinity, or a twelve-week longitudinal placement of one afternoon per week for twelve weeks in RCSI. These placements take place in Community or Hospital Pharmacy settings during Semester 2.

Year 4: A four-month placement running from September to December.  It can be undertaken in settings such as Community Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, Industry, and Role Emerging Practice (REP) Placement settings.

Year 5: An eight-month placement running from January to August. This placement takes place in Community or Hospital Pharmacy settings.


For more information on our Community / Hospital Pharmacy Placements and Industry and Role Emerging Practice (REP) Placements, please view our brochures below:

Community Pharmacy Placements

Hospital Pharmacy Placements

Industry and Role Emerging Practice Placements